Cellcard supports uplifting the Cambodian Developer community with Google DevFest Cambodia 2015 October 07, 2015 | Cellcard

Cellcard supports uplifting the Cambodian Developer community with Google DevFest Cambodia 2015 October 07, 2015

Published Date: May, Monday 02, 2016

Last 3rd-4th of October, the Cambodian developer community, tech savvy, IT enthusiasts, programmers and coding savvy were abuzz with renewed energy as they converged for the 3rd Google Dev Fest in Cambodia. The event, which aims to promote learning and collaboration among the Cambodian developer community, received over 1,200 registrations and attendees for the 2-day event.

The event featured Local Software App showcase such as Khmer Smart Keyboard, Yak Awe Game and a few more, as well as lectures from Google Translate and Coding Gate.

Organizers however said that, over and beyond the insightful lectures, a key difference for this year’s event would be the stronger focus on participants and their involvement.

Zoning of the event grounds segmented the crowd to smaller groups to facilitate increased involvement. Zones were identified as Coding Zone, Women in Technology Zone, Android Zone and Hackathon Zone.

Cellcard and DevFest have a shared interest to uplift local tech and innovation, and hasten its growth to be at par w other more developed countries.

“By providing a venue for collaboration and an opportunity to learn from various authorities in the industry local and international alike, we are nurturing the existing tech developer community, encouraging more youth to participate and  hence fueling the community’s growth, and ensuring that the community can develop more and more innovative ideas that can help move the country and the economy forward” said Laszlo Barta, CCO of Cellcard.

“We are excited to have Cellcard as our sponsor for this year’s event. Cellcard is a prominent brand and the partnership was instrumental in creating awareness and excitement which resulted to the positive turnout. We share the same vision and its always good to have a partner who supports not only the initiative but believes in what the initiative wants to achieve. We look forward to having Cellcard onboard again for our 2016 leg.” – Kruy Vanna, Google DevFest Cambodia organizer.

The Google DevFest Cambodia 2015 was held at Cambodia’s Korea Cooperation Center inside RUPP Campus from the 3rd to the 4th of October.


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