Press Release / Advertorial (with photos)
Cellcard helps in making education accessible to children through Ride2School Sponsorship
Cellcard, partners with Pour un Sourire dénfant (PSE), to raise awareness for children’s basic right to education and raise donations to fund 300 bicycles, which will enable children living a long way from school to continue their education with a little more ease.
A donation of USD 12,000 dollars have been committed by Cellcard to PSE’s awareness initiative called Ride2School – a bicycle marathon, which will take place on January 10th, 2015. During this event Cellcard employees, PSE staff, along with other interested participants will do a 148KM bike ride from Phnom Penh to Kampot to show support. The group will depart from the Cellcard Head Office at Sihanouk Blvd. at 6:45am. 200 participants are expected to join the event.
Donations from Cellcard subscribers will be accepted via SMS. Subscribers need only SMS xxxx to xxxx to donate to the cause. All donations will be passed on to PSE and no SMS service fee will be charged. Cellcard hopes that this will encourage more Cellcard subscribers to contribute whatever they can towards this fund raising activity.
This is the second time that Cellcard has sponsored the program. In the 2013 Ride2School initiative which aimed to raise 150 bikes for children, Cellcard was able to raise $7,500 and handed over 200 bikes to PSE students. This year Cellcard and PSE are very optimistic that they would be able to raise enough funds to provide 300 bicycles.
“It’s a very noble cause which protects the future of the country. Affording children their basic right to an education allows us to ensure a brighter future by molding capable future leaders. We are hoping and encouraging Cellcard subscribers to join us in this endeavour with small but meaningful contributions that, together, will make a big difference.” – Ian Watson, CEO Cellcard.
This program is also supported by Cambodia’s Cycling Federation (CCF), Giant Bike Shop and Kulen Water.
Live updates will be available through the Cellcard facebook page and the XG facebook page during the event day.
CEO Speech
We are honoured to be given an opportunity to again participate in this very noble cause.
In every country, education is being given primary importance, because in a very direct way it impacts the future of society, economy, sustainability. We are in an age where everything is being made possible through technology, but technology can only do so much. Behind every technological advancement that we think would secure the future for us, is a human mind with positive intentions and bright hopes. This is what truly ensures the future, and this is why cultivating the minds of the country’s children is of great importance.
The Ride2School project addresses a basic need for children. Not every district in the country has schools within walking distance of homes. In most cases, especially in more rural areas, children will have to walk for hours to reach schools, and this distance become a barrier to education. What the Ride2School project intends is to allow children to attend school with a little more ease by raising funds to provide bicycles. It’s a small but very meaningful contribution that society can do.
For the awareness campaign a 148km bike from Phnom Penh to kampot will ensue on January 10, 2015. We are hoping that more of our customers would participate to support the cause. Cellcard and our employees are very proud to be part of this campaign, and volunteer participants from the Cellcard family has reached as many as xxxx. Registrations fees to participate is only $xx and will go a long way.
Alternatively, Cellcard has also opened an SMS donation hotline for our subscribers who wish to contribute through direct donation. They only need to sms xxx to xxxxx. No sms fees will be charged on these donation SMS, and all donations will be turned over to PSE to sponsor bicycles for children in dire need of school transportation.
We’re very optimistic of the outcome of this project with PSE. Last year we only aimed to provide 150 bicycles, but was able to afford 200 bicycles. This year we are raising the bar higher with a goal of 300 bicycles and I think with the help of our subscribers we can meet and go beyond this number.
Thank you.